Agreement Supplement Comparison - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 2020 (10.0) - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Web Help (2020)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
2020 (10.0)

The Agreement Supplement Comparison report can be used to show per project how accurate the initial planning was on purchasing. High number of supplements might have two reasons. Either it indicates that the original planning was not very accurate. Or, the project team tries to purchase as soon as possible, and in consequence they have lot of changes in the further course of the project execution. With this report, you can track how frequently the project teams are amending their purchase orders with additional components or changes.

The report compares the total original agreement (suppl 0) value against the total agreement revisions (suppl greater 0) value. Additionally, this report compares the total number of original agreements (suppl 0) against the total number of agreement revisions (suppl greater 0). You can use these metrics to identify scope growth and to find out growth allowance and trending information that is required of the EAC (Estimate at Completion) process. These are also good summary level reports that can be quickly prepared and provided to the management.

Before you run this report, you must execute a database job that prepares the data for the report. It is recommended to run this job at least once a day. For more details see Manage Synchronization Jobs.

To generate this report, you must select the appropriate format from the Report Formats group in the Selection box (at the top of the page).

Additionally, you can select one or multiple values from the following lists, to filter and limit the displayed data accordingly:

  • Project - Project for which the agreement is issued

  • Supplier - Supplier assigned to the agreement

  • Origin - Office (origin) on whose behalf the agreement is issued

  • Buyer - The buyer assigned to and responsible for the agreement

  • Expediter - The expediter assigned to the agreement

  • Agreement Type - Type of the agreements to be considered by the report

The selection is limited to a maximum number of 1,800 entries.

SHARED Tip To select multiple values, press and hold CTRL while selecting values from the list.

After selecting the values, click Go to apply the filter.

To remove the filter and display all data, click Clear All.

SHARED Tip Click BIROpenSelectionButton to collapse the Selection box. To display the Selection box again, click BIRCloseSelectionButton.

The chart legend entries are truncated if their length exceeds 30 characters.

Agreements with currencies other than the default currency (the currency unit defined by the session currency setting) are not considered if the unit to unit conversion is not defined from that currency to the default currency. To identify these agreements, click the Missing Conversions button.

Report Formats

The available report formats are described below.

(1) Agreement vs. Supplement Value

The (1) Agreement vs. Supplement Value report format displays the total value of all original agreements with supplement 0 and the total value of all agreement revisions with supplement greater than 0. The average supplement value calculates as (total value of agreement revisions)/(total count of agreement revisions).

(2) Agreement vs. Supplement Count

The (2) Agreement vs. Supplement Count report format displays the total number of all original agreements with supplement 0 and the total number of all agreement revisions with supplement greater than 0. The average supplement number calculates as (total number of agreement revisions) / (total number of original agreements).

(3) Agreement vs. Supplement Value - Monthly Trend

The (3) Agreement vs. Supplement Value - Monthly Trend report format displays the costs in the selected currency on the y-axis and the agreement approval month on the x-axis. The report displays the total value of all original agreements with supplement 0 and the total value of all agreement revisions with supplement greater 0 over a period of time.

SHARED Tip With the selection of a month in the From and to lists, you define the time frame for the report output. By default the last 12 months are set as time frame.

(4) Agreement vs. Supplement Count - Monthly Trend

The (4) Agreement vs. Supplement Count - Monthly Trend report format displays the agreement count on the y-axis and the agreement approval month on the x-axis. The report displays the total number of all original agreements with supplement 0 and the total number of all agreement revisions with supplement greater 0 over a period of time.

SHARED Tip With the selection of a month in the From and to lists, you define the time frame for the report output. By default the last 12 months are set as time frame.

By utilizing the (4) Agreement vs. Supplement Count - Monthly Trend report format you can quickly identify the significant agreement revision activities.

(5) Agreement Value Details

The (5) Agreement Value Details report format identifies all of the data elements that are used to generate the Agreement Supplement Comparison metrics. This report format is a good resource if there are questions concerning the details included as part of a particular report format.

The prices are displayed in the currency unit defined by the session currency setting. If the rule is not defined to convert the agreement (line item) currency into the BIR default currency (defined with DBA setting BI_REPORT_CURRENCY), -1 is displayed as price. Furthermore, if the session currency is different than the BIR default currency, the software will convert again. If this conversion fails because the rule is not defined to convert the BIR default currency into the session currency, the price will also be shown as -1.

  • This is an interactive report.

  • Click SearchColumn and select the column where you want to search, type the search criterion in the Search box, and click Go to apply the search.

  • To change the number of displayed rows, select a value from the Rows list.

  • Additionally, you can customize the report to meet your requirements, save the report, and download the result in csv or html format (see Use Actions menu).

Data Sources

The table below shows the Smart Materials screen(s) where the data is entered that is displayed in this report. Additionally, this table shows the synchronization table and the CIPs used by the report, and the name of the log file created by the sync job or the report.


P.50.01 Agreements

P.50.07 Maintain Agreements


P250_IR_DATA, P250_IR1_DATA (Missing Conversions)


n/a (no CIP)

Log File


The following table shows all values displayed in the report, with the related Smart Materials screen and field where the value is displayed, the database table and column where the value is stored, and CIPs, functions, or procedures that are used to retrieve the value. Optionally, additional comment on the value is entered in the last column.




Database Column

Other Source/Comment





Agreement Number


Agreement Number






the highest approved supplement of the agreement is considered and displayed

Total Line Value


Total Agreement Value - Agreement Header Other Costs

Total Agreement Value


Total costs of the highest approved supplement

Original Agreement Value


Total costs of supplement 0 (original agreement)

Supplement Value


Changed costs of all approved supplements > 0 (agreement revisions)

Agreement Header Other Costs


Other costs on highest approved supplement


The currency unit defined by the session currency setting.

Approval Month


Approved Date

Missing Conversions





Agreement Number


Agreement Number







Shows where the currency is used (Header, Line Item, or Other Cost)

From Currency

The currency unit defined on agreement header, line item, or other cost.

To Currency

The currency unit defined by the session currency setting.

Original Agreement Number


Agreement Number


In case of a suppl > 0, the agreement number of the supplement 0 is displayed.