Detect Collisions Dialog Box - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

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Intergraph Smart Review
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

Allows you to run collision detection and then review the resulting report information. The basic steps include:

  1. Select an object or display set in the Main view.

  2. Use the Default Collision Set.

  3. Click Tools > Collision Detection > Detect Collisions > Detect.

Default Collision Set

Initially displays so that you can quickly run detection on a selected object or display set. You can also create your own collision set and select it from the menu list.


Creates a collision detection run. By default, the selected object or display set is stationary and anything that comes into contact with it is detected.


Lists the collision number. Each collision that is detected during the run is automatically assigned a number that displays in the Report section of the dialog box.


Displays the number of collisions that were detected for the current run.


Becomes enabled after collision detection has been executed. Click Previous to return to the previous collision.


Becomes enabled after collision detection has been executed. Click Next to go on to the next collision.

Display All

Displays all of the collision detection results for the current collision set. If the collisions are not clearly visible, try adjusting the view cone to get a better viewing angle.

Show/Hide Details

Displays additional options described below. Click the button to show or hide the additional options.


  • None - Omits the fit operation when you start the detection run.

  • All - Fits all collision ranges to the current run in the Main view.

  • Object - Fits to the object that matches the currently selected collision.

  • Collision - Fits all objects that match the currently selected collision.

Collision run

Lists the number of times you perform a collision detection.


Sets a linear distance from the edges of your display set or object in which to detect a collision. Use Clearance to increase the area around your display set or object so that more potential collisions can be discovered. The default value is 0. To use this option, see Add Clearance to Increase the Collision Detection Area.

Overwrite previous run

Clears the previous run and report information. This option is enabled by default.

Wireframe highlight

Specifies that the requested report include wireframe highlights around colliding objects.

Transparent style

Displays the object or display set on which collision detection is being run in a transparent style so that collisions inside or behind the object are seen. This setting is enabled by default.

Model transparency

Changes the transparency of the entire model so that you can see through the model to get a better view of objects involved in a collision. Objects or display sets involved in the collision are not affected by the transparency. The slider provides the following options:

  • 0% - Specifies normal model rendering

  • 1-99% - Specifies the respective transparency levels

  • 100% - Hides the entire model except for the colliding objects.


Saves the Report output to a file.


Displays information about the collisions, such as type, objects, and range points. To zoom in on a collision, click the list view, and then click a collision number in the left column. You can also use the arrow keys to move through and view the collisions in the List view.

Element or Object

Determines the following:

  • The number or level of collisions that displays for a collision run. When you have Objects selected, the list shows only object collisions. If you have Elements selected, the list shows all collisions.

  • The main view display. If you have Objects selected, the primary object is displayed along with the secondary collided objects in the main view. If you have Elements selected, the primary object is hidden, and only the single primary and secondary collision elements display.

See Also

Detect Collisions
Create a Custom Collision Set