Smart 3D Tab (Create Project Dialog Box) - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

Intergraph Smart Review Help

Intergraph Smart Review
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

When you open a Smart 3D .vue file or a local Smart 3D .svf project, the Smart 3D tab displays on the Create Project dialog box, allowing you to specify the location of all the files required by Smart Review to create the project label database (.mdb2) from the project's Smart 3D.xml file (or files for local .svf projects).

Map components to disciplines

Specifies the mapping text file location. A mapping file is required by Smart Review to build the label database and determine which Smart 3D components belong to which Smart Review disciplines. There are two mapping files that are available:

  • The default mapping file is MapClassIdToLevelDisciplines.txt file (delivered with Smart Review version 9.x or later) and offers an easier, more complete mapping solution. This class ID-based file maps Smart 3D graphic objects into files and levels (disciplines and components). You do not have to worry about synchronizing with other mapping files. This file can be used for the mapping method when using the Save as SmartPlant Review command in Smart 3D (see Use the Smart 3D Save As SmartPlant Review Command ).

  • Smart Review still supports the MapComponentsToDisciplines.txt file. This file is delivered with Smart Review in the [Product Folder]:...\SP3D\Example folder to support our sample files.

If you edited either mapping file, you must select that file when you are opening your .vue file in Smart Review. Otherwise, the MapClassIdToLevelDisciplines.txt default file is automatically selected.

If you are upgrading from a Smart Review version earlier than 7.x, a message displays prompting you to select the mapping file you used in your Smart 3D project.

Relationship mapping

Specifies the RelationshipMapping.txt file location to build the label database using the specified Smart 3D component relationships. Smart Review defaults to the file in the current project folder, if it exists. Otherwise, the file in the product folder is used. The RelationshipMapping.txt is used only by Smart Review when creating the label database (.mdb2). There is no corresponding Smart 3D version of this file. However, if the Smart 3D data relationships change, a new version of this file may be required.

Use the default RelationshipMapping.txt file delivered with Smart Review to create label databases from Smart 3D .vue/xml files to support the Assembly and System Breakdown Structure displays. For more information on these displays, see View the System Breakdown Structure and View the Assembly Breakdown Structure.

Optional label template file

Specifies a label template file (SPRSP3dLabels.bin) to use when creating the label database (.mdb2) file for your project. The settings you specify using this dialog box are saved in this file so that you can retrieve them each time you open or publish the project or to use as a template each time you set up a project for publication. Defaults to the file in the current project folder, if it exists. Otherwise, the file in the product folder is used instead.

  • You can have only one label template file per project. This file must be named SPRSP3dLabels.bin.

  • If a label template file is not in the specified project folder, then Smart Review uses the default template file. You can edit the default template file using the SmartPlant 3D Label Selector utility.

  • You must re-create the label database (re-open or re-publish the project) each time you want to change the set of labels available in the published project.

Remove duplicate geometry

Specifies whether or not to remove duplicated graphic objects (with the same moniker), and applies only to .svf projects containing Smart 3D .vue files. Smart Review reads the Smart 3D .vue files in latest modification date first order. Select this option so that the software discards any duplicated graphic objects in subsequent files. Clear the option for Smart Review to read in and display all graphics.

For new projects, this option is cleared or turned off by default. For existing projects, the option is turned on by default to preserve previous behaviors and data display.

To identify duplicate graphics in the Smart Review Main view, move your mouse over graphic objects. When QuickPick displays, multiple objects have been located. Select the required graphics and use Edit > File Position to move them so that you can see each set of graphic objects.

See Also

Use SVF Files in an Integrated Environment
View Smart 3D Model Data