There was an error processing the following filters. - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3Dx Help

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Meaning: The software tried to process the filters, but one or more failed to process. Smart 3Dx removes these failed filters from the filter group.

Recovery: The recovery process depends on the failed filters.

CmnInterfaceDoesNotExistException - The interface name specified in the filter definition does not exist. Correct the filter definition in the .xml file.

CmnStepFilterIllegalLogicalOperatorException - The filter definition is specified in the wrong format. For example, the filter definition has a leading OR or AND, or a lagging AND, OR, or NOT. Correct the filter definition in the .xml file.

InvalidProgidInConfigurationException - The Prog ID of the class implementing the filter function is specified in the wrong format. The correct format is [<AssemblyName>,<Fully-qualified-class-name>]. Correct the filter definition in the .xml file.

InvalidAssemblyOrClassException - The assembly or class name specified cannot be resolved. Add any missing references to the project file.

ActivationException - An instance of the class cannot be created. Investigate why the class cannot be created.

CmnNoObjectForMonikerException - The database object corresponding to this filter is not available because it has been deleted. Create another database filter with the required criteria, and then add it to locate filters gallery.