Set up Integrated Windows Authentication for user logon - HxGN SDx - Update 69 - Installation & Upgrade

Installation and Setup for HxGN SDx Application Server

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Installation & Upgrade

You can set up a default user in HxGN SDx so that the system automatically creates a new user when someone logs in using a valid Windows account for which no valid HxGN SDx user account already exists. The username is the same as the domain account name of the user, and the default role permissions are inherited from the default user.

You must create a login user in HxGN SDx with the required standard access control you want all new users to have and set this template user as the Default User in the system options. For more information on configuring the Default User system option, see Configure the system options.

  • Integrated Windows Authentication cannot be set up to work over HTTP proxy connections. This limitation is imposed by Microsoft.

  • If you are implementing integrated Windows Authentication and using Smart API Manager for authentication services with Web Client, the Identity Provider property of your Web Client site in Server Manager should be set to the IWA identity value configured on your Smart API Manager server. For more information about this configuration, see the Intergraph Smart API Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.