Configure maximum worker processes - HxGN SDx - Update 68 - Installation & Upgrade

Installation and Setup for HxGN SDx Application Server

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Installation & Upgrade

The product software supports the use of multiple worker processes for the application pool of your primary site. Multiple worker processes are also supported for any secondary site application pools, where you can offload applications from the primary application server to an alternate secondary server for processes like the scheduler and batch printing. The optimal value to use is dependent on your system usage and available resources, such as the number of processors, number of applications, number of users, and so on.

The maximum number of worker processes that can be configured for the license, cache, and configuration services application pools is limited to one: multiple worker processes are not supported for these application pools.

  1. Launch IIS Manager.

  2. Select Application Pools in the tree view.

  3. Select the application pool for your primary site. For example, select SDxServer.

  4. Click Advanced Settings.

  5. Expand the Process Model section of the settings list.

  6. Set a value for Maximum Worker Processes.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Recycle the application pool.

  • The worker process will be slow on first use as initialization is required. We have no control over which request goes to which process, and so there could be some slow responses until all processes are initialized.

  • Each worker process adds to the memory consumption on the server, so memory should be monitored.