It is important to note the following additional points regarding the connected vs. disconnected modes for maps in EAM Mobile for Transit application:
There is no difference in functionality between maps accessed via online mode vs. disconnected mode; with the exception that when accessed via an online map, any GIS features or attributes that are updated or created within the EAM Mobile for Transit application will be immediately posted to the geodatabase. No sync operation will need to be performed by the user to see these edits appear in the geodatabase when the map is accessed in the online mode.
A new install parameter, MOBGOFFL, controls the default value of the Offline switch for new map configuration records. Depending on the parameter value specified, new maps will always default to offline or online mode.
If the map is enabled for display via online mode, it may take additional time to query all the map layers and display the feature data each time the Map View is displayed, in comparison to the time it would take to display features when a map is enabled for display via disconnected mode. The length of time will vary depending on factors such as internet connection speed and the volume of map data to display. In addition, it is possible that equipment and address searches could take additional time through online vs. offline mode.
The application does not switch between disconnected and online states automatically. The user must choose the mode in which the map will run by toggling the ‘Offline’ switch on Map Configuration record depending on whether an internet connection will be available in the field.
A map configuration cannot be changed from offline to online mode (i.e. the Offline switch changed from ON to OFF) if there are still pending (un-synced) edits for map stored on the device. Any local changes must be synced to the GIS server before an offline map can be taken online.
If the map is being used in online mode and the connection is lost or interrupted, the EAM Mobile for Transit user will receive a notification explaining that the connection has been lost. However, some functions in the Map View can still be performed without a internet connection, with exceptions of creating and editing features, etc. Should loss of internet connection take place when the user desires to perform such functions, the user would need to move into an area where the connection could be restored, and then follow the appropriate workflow to instead enable the map for disconnected mode.
The system administrator is not required to pre-configure the Map record in the EAM desktop application differently for online vs. disconnected mode. The decision to use the map in online or offline mode can be made by the mobile user on as needed basis.
The map extent defined by installation parameter MOBGEXT is still relevant for online maps. EAM equipment data will be available, on the map, for features within the defined extent only. This limitation exists for performance reasons. Users can still access feature data outside the map extent, however not related EAM equipment data. Therefore, as was the case with previous versions of EAM Mobile for Transit, it is important to specify the extent based on the geographical work area to be covered by the mobile user.
When using a connected map, the geocoding service does not need to be defined by locator files, as is the case with offline use. The application will use the geocoding service defined for the desktop application in parameter GISGEOSV, including ESRI’s World Geocoding service.