Creating, copying, deleting map configuration records - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Mobile for Transit GIS Map View Features

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HxGN EAM Version

Beginning in EAM Mobile for Transit 11.5, it is now possible to create and delete map records within the application itself from the Map Configurations screen. The Create option is available to the user from the Settings icon at the top of the screen; however, this option is only available if the GISMAPS Installation Parameter is not set to ‘Global’. In addition, Copy and Delete options are available on each map configuration record.

To create a new map configuration records, the user clicks the ’Create’ icon at the top of the map Configuration screen; and the application displays a screen with all required fields (i.e. Features, Basemap, Portal, Extent, Layers) to be populated. Once complete, the new map configuration record(s) exist solely on the mobile device on which it was created; the record will not be uploaded to the EAM server and therefore cannot be transferred to EAM Mobile for Transit on other devices.