If the map is configured sufficiently and the user has adequate permissions, the user may be able to add additional features to the Map View through the Create Features button. When clicked, the application will perform the appropriate checks, and will then display a list of visible layers within which the user can choose to create new features.
The Work Order pin layer and any hidden layers will not be available for the Create
Features functionality.
Once the user selects a layer in which to create new features, the application will then display the Map View (with the Work Order layer hidden) and a prompt to "Tap on map to select location of the feature." As with the Edit Geometry functionality described previously, the application will also display a toolbar containing Undo, Redo, Use my Location, Cancel and Save buttons.
When the user taps once on the map, the application will display an active vertex (i.e. red dot). Point features are created by tapping once on the map to locate the new feature (i.e. position of red dot); and any subsequent taps on the map while in this mode will simply relocate the vertex. Linear features are created by tapping once on the map for each of the vertices of the line (i.e. after the first tap a red dot is dropped at that location on the map). If another location on the map is tapped, prior to saving, the system drops a second red dot and connects the two dots with a line, and so on until the last of the vertices is dropped. Finally, polygon features are created in the same way as linear features.
As with the Edit Geometry functionality, when the user taps an active vertex to select it and drags the vertex to edit its location; the user will then be able to Save the edit or Undo the edit. The user may press the Cancel button at any time to stop creating features.
If the user clicks the Save button, the application will then open then Edit Feature callout. This screen will show the GIS Attributes for the newly created feature; ready for entry. The Edit Feature callout will also show buttons for Cancel, Save and Add Equipment. The user is then able to edit the attributes and may choose to either press Save to save the edits to the GIS feature only; or may choose to save the edits to the GIS Attributes and create an associated EAM Equipment record by pressing the Add Equipment button.
The above functionality to create corresponding equipment records is dependent on
previous configuration of the field mappings from the EAM toolbar in the ArcGIS Desktop
For additional information regarding defining field mappings for attributes, see the HxGN EAM GIS Installation and System Administrator Guide brief.