Disconnected mode: offline - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Mobile for Transit GIS Map View Features

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

To enable a map for us in the disconnected mode, the user will ensure that the ‘Offline’ switch is toggled to the ON position for any map record in the Map Configurations screen. In disconnected mode, the user is also able to mark a map record for display as the default map in the Map View. When the user presses either the Continue button (in the case of an initial sync) or chooses to Sync Data from the main menu (in the case when a user is changing the mode of access to a map from connected to disconnected mode), the EAM Mobile for Transit application begins to download both EAM application data and the GIS Map data. A progress bar is shown at the bottom of the screen during download, which closes upon completion. The time associated with downloading one or more map record(s) may be difficult to estimate; as it is noted that the size of any particular download is dependent upon the size of the geodatabase created (related to factors such as map extent, number of map layers being downloaded, density of features, etc.) and the size of the basemap (as determined by resolution/levels of detail and extent).

Upon completion of download of application data and GIS Map data, the EAM Mobile for Transit application will open to the Map View screen of the application. As when working with the Map View screen in connected mode, if no map record was flagged as ‘Default’, the user will be able to choose which map(s) to display in the Map View as this screen is opened. If a default record was flagged, then this map will automatically be displayed in the map view.

At any time after an initial synchronization, a user can return to the Map Configurations screen through the Main Menu in the EAM Mobile for Transit application; by choosing Settings, and GIS Settings. At this time, the Map Configuration screen may also indicate the following indicators for map record(s) that are enabled for disconnected mode:

  • Sync – an indicator specifying that the user would like the local copy of the map on the mobile device to be synchronized.

  • Pending – an indicator specifying if the device contains unsynchronized edits for any map(s) on the mobile device.

  • View Sync Errors – an indicator specifying that an error has occurred while synchronizing map data. The user can choose to view the error by clicking on the View Sync Errors button.