Installing the Software for Intergraph Smart® P&ID - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 10 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart P&ID Installation and Upgrade

Intergraph Smart P&ID
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Installation & Upgrade
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Intergraph Smart® P&ID creates intelligent P&IDs by populating the database with relevant plant data. This method provides valuable information throughout the plant life cycle. As a data-centric, rule-based solution for the P&ID life cycle, Smart P&ID helps users improve design quality, data consistency, and standards compliance. With quick access to supporting engineering data, Smart P&ID significantly cuts design and modification time and increases accuracy with its exclusive data-centric approach and use of design rules, automatic checks, and drag-and-drop capabilities.

Smart P&ID is vastly different from graphic-driven P&ID solutions of today. All data from the P&ID is stored in the plant database and adheres to plant standards. The graphical representation of the P&ID is a view or a report of the data. The strong data import and export facilities of Smart P&ID allow users to populate the system with relevant plant data, such as process data from process simulation databases based on Aspen Basic Engineering from Aspen Technologies, Inc. or equipment and line lists. The import functionality can be used to either update data on existing items in the plant database or to create new items in the Smart P&ID Stockpile to use for designing the P&ID.

The rule-based and automation capabilities of Smart P&ID also differentiate it from other P&ID systems. Smart P&ID features a comprehensive, user-definable rule-based system that assists the engineer during the design phase of the plant and subsequent life cycle phases. Data is entered directly into the database; rules are executed; and feedback is immediate. The design rule-base confirms data consistency and compliance with plant and engineering standards, allowing faster, more efficient design with less iteration.

Smart P&ID incorporates the latest Microsoft technologies, such as OLE automation, to provide integration with existing data and other systems. Running on various Microsoft Windows operating system platforms, Smart P&ID does not require a traditional, expensive CAD engine for P&ID creation. The open architecture of Smart P&ID permits integration with other systems, such as Smart 3D, Smart Instrumentation, and Aspen Basic Engineering, all of which allow users to share data with third-party software.

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Published 7/1/2024 at 10:43 AM