Upgrading Interop .NET Components or .NET Third-Party Technology - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 10 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart P&ID Installation and Upgrade

Intergraph Smart P&ID
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart P&ID Version

Validation and Calculation

  • Replace references for Interops to use new component (InteropLlama.dll->Llama.dll).

  • Replace Namespaces, accordingly.

  • Validation implements at least one of the following interfaces: ILMForeignCalc, IPrintValidation, or ITransformUI. Add attributes to all validation projects:





    [ProgIDsExport(ILMForeignCalcProgID = "ItemTag.ItemTagFunc", IPrintValidationProgID = "", ITransformUIProgID = "")]

    The [ProgIDsExport] attribute will contain the ProgID for each interface that was implemented in the class; otherwise, it will remain empty.

  • Compile DLL to installationPath\Validation folder.

Out-of-Process Applications

  • Replace references for Interops to use new component (InteropLlama.dll->Llama.dll).

  • Replace Namespaces, accordingly.

  • Compile executable to installationPath folder.

  • Reference other files: InteropigrWrapperHelper.dll, InteropISPClientData3V2.dll, and SPPIDLateBind.dll.