Relate the Destination, Transform, and Adhoc Report to the Detail - HxGN SDx - v10 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

HxGN SDx Connector for Plant Maintenance Installation and Configuration

HxGN SDx Connectors
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Installation & Upgrade
  1. In the Sync feature set, select Details.

  2. Search for the Detail, and then select Actions > Relationship Builder.

  3. On the Relationship Builder page, select the SEARCH tab, and search for the objects to relate: Destination, template document (TagTransform), and Adhoc report - sync (XHTML).

  4. Choose the required objects and select RELATE.

    The SEARCH feature only displays objects that can be related to the selected Detail.

  5. Select Sync > Details.

    SHARED Tip Select Actions on the Detail to see the related objects in the Relationships list.

  6. Select Actions > Sync.

    To delete the synchronization of a Tag, you need to relate only a Destination object to a delete Detail object.