Verify the Sync Logs in the Web Client - HxGN SDx - v10 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

HxGN SDx Connector for Plant Maintenance Installation and Configuration

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The sync logs in the Web Client allow you to find all the requests sent to SAP and the responses received from it. It helps in tracking and retrieving the status of the syncs.

Use the following procedure to view the sync logs:

  1. Log on to the Web Client, and select Sync > Sync Logs. You will find the list of all the sync logs.

  2. Select the file object you want to view from the list of Sync Logs.

    How do I filter or sort the sync logs?

    At the top of the required column, select Column Settings , and then select one of the following:

    Select this

    To do this

    Sort Ascending

    Sort the results in ascending order.

    Sort Descending

    Sort the results in descending order.


    Select the columns displayed in the table.


    Filter the table using standard parameters, such as Contains.

    All the sync logs are saved in the vault as TXT files.

  3. Click Actions > Save sync log file.

  4. When the file is downloaded successfully, view the sync log file to verify the logs for Tags or Assets synchronization.