Work Order or Notification and Work Package integration - Architecture - HxGN SDx - v10 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

HxGN SDx Connector for Plant Maintenance Installation and Configuration

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Installation & Upgrade

The following image illustrates the integration between a Work Order or Notification and a Work Package.

  • Rows from 20 through 28 - They define the Token URL and all necessary parameters.

  • Rows from 33 through 38 - They define all API calls and Web Client URLs required for this functionality.

  • Rows 33 and 34 - They define an API call to create a Work Package in SDx or SPO/E:

    • Row 33 contains the API call, and row 34 contains the request body for the API call.

    • An OBID in column G defines a Work Package classification (Maintenance Work Package). It is different in every system, and it can be found in metadata or using the Web Client with a developer tool.

  • Rows 35 and 36 - They define an API call to attach a default Workflow to a Work Package:

    • Row 35 contains the API call, and row 36 contains the request body for the API call.

    • The Workflow name, or UID, is specified in column F of row 36.

  • Rows 37 and 38 - They define Web Client URLs for Work Package InfoMap.

  • All API calls must be tested on Postman before sending the Excel file to the SAP team.

  • For more information on the usage of the variables, see System variables.