The following work process diagram gives more information about the Equipment installation or dismantle or replacement functionality.
Rows from 20 through 28 - They define the Token URL and all necessary parameters.
Rows from 13 through 19 and 29 - They define all API calls and Web Client URLs required for this functionality.
Rows 13 and 15 - They define an API call to create an Asset in SDx or SPO/E:
Row 13 contains the API call, and row 15 contains the request body for the API call.
An OBID in column G defines an Asset classification. It is different in every system, and it can be found in metadata or using the Web Client with a developer tool.
Rows 14 and 16 - They define an API call to create a relationship between Tag and Asset.
Row 17 - It defines an API call to delete a relationship between Tag and Asset if you dismantle or replace the Equipment.
Row 18 - It defines the first API call to find an Asset in SDx or SPO/E.
Row 19 - It defines an API call to check if the relationship between Tag and Asset exists.
All API calls must be tested on Postman before sending the Excel file to the SAP team.
When testing this functionality, we recommend you use the logs defined in row 2 and remove them when the setup is complete.
For more information on the usage of the variables, see System variables.