Configure an Automatic Workflow to Synchronize a Tag to a FLOC - HxGN SDx - v10 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

HxGN SDx Connector for Plant Maintenance Installation and Configuration

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Find Step Class

  1. In the Desktop Client, click Find > Workflow > Workflow Step Definition > Sync.

  2. Right-click on sync workflow step definition, and click Workflow Step Class.

  3. Drag SyncTagStepDefClass on to the Sync Detail object.

    SHARED Tip Make sure that the Detail object is related with the SyncTagStepDefClass step class.

  • Synchronization of a Tag to a FLOC is processed through this workflow step.

  • Once a workflow of work package or change request is passed through this workflow step, the synchronization of tag to FLOC is run automatically.