Configure an SDx site for SDx Connector for Plant Maintenance - HxGN SDx - v10 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

HxGN SDx Connector for Plant Maintenance Installation and Configuration

HxGN SDx Connectors
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Installation & Upgrade

  • You must recycle the application pools for your site after any configuration using Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager to avoid database connection errors.

  • To display the Plant Maintenance icons in the Web Client, we recommend you manually copy the delivered icons from: [Installation drive]:\Program Files (x86)\SDx Connectors\HxGN SDx Connector for Plant Maintenance\HxGN SDx Connector for Plant Maintenance_SDx\Installation Materials_SDx\Configuration\Icons\WebClient and add them to: [Installation drive]:\SDx Server Files\WebClient_Sites\PlantMaintenanceWC\content\images\object-types.

For SDx 10.0

You can configure the SDx Connector for Plant Maintenance on an SDx site using the following steps:

The SDx Server Manager executable file, SDxServerManager.exe, is delivered within the product installation folder. By default, it is located at: [Product Folder]:\SDx\SDxServerManager.

  1. In SDx Server Manager, expand the SDx Sites node.

  2. On the selected site, right-click SDx Connector > Configure Site.

    Repeat steps 1 and 2, and then click SDx Connector > Update/Remove Site to update or remove a site which is already configured.

No manual configurations are required for client components. The delivered software installation is equipped to install all necessary client components.