You must recycle the application pools for your site after any configuration using Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager to avoid database connection errors.
To display the Plant Maintenance icons in the Web Client, we recommend you manually copy the delivered icons from: [Installation drive]:\Program Files (x86)\SDx Connectors\HxGN SDx Connector for Plant Maintenance\HxGN SDx Connector for Plant Maintenance_SDx\Installation Materials_SDx\Configuration\Icons\WebClient and add them to: [Installation drive]:\SDx Server Files\WebClient_Sites\PlantMaintenanceWC\content\images\object-types.
For SDx 10.0
You can configure the SDx Connector for Plant Maintenance on an SDx site using the following steps:
The SDx Server Manager executable file, SDxServerManager.exe, is delivered within the product
installation folder. By default, it is located at: [Product Folder]:\SDx\SDxServerManager.
In SDx Server Manager, expand the SDx Sites node.
On the selected site, right-click SDx Connector > Configure Site.
Repeat steps 1 and 2, and then click SDx Connector > Update/Remove Site to update or remove a site which is already configured.
No manual configurations are required for client components. The delivered software installation is equipped to install all necessary client components.