UploadFileInstruction Method - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 44 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

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SourceObjectClassDef – to locate the object to attach the file to you must provide the classdef (Reqd.)

SourceObjectName – as above, classdef and name identifies the object to attach the file to (Reqd.)

FileClassDef – (optional) defaults to SPFDesignFile

FileName – name of the file to attach without the path. For example, myDoc1.docx (Reqd)

FileDesc – (optional) for the file metadata object

LocalDirName – (optional) local directory

LocalHostName (optiona) name of host the file is being attached from


XFRUploadResult – contains the OBID of the file metadata. If an error occurs, then ErrorMessage is populated.

This web method allows you to attach a single file to an existing object in SmartPlant Foundation. It supports files stored in the database or in a vault. The physical file needs to be uploaded to the server using the FileUtilities.UploadFile method given the URLs provided by the GetInfoForFTPFileUpload web method.


' Call the upload file web method


Dim lstrFileNameWOutPath As String = IO.Path.GetFileName(txtFilename.Text)


' Now send the file to the hosts


If String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLocalURL.Text) = False Then

Dim lstrURL As String = txtLocalURL.Text

lstrURL = lstrURL.Replace("swi-ppo-spflap8", "localhost")

SPF.Utilities.FileUtilities.UploadFile(lblSessionId.Text, _

lstrURL, _

txtFilename.Text, _

6000000, False)

End If

If String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtRemoteURL.Text) = False Then

Dim lstrURL As String = txtRemoteURL.Text

lstrURL = lstrURL.Replace("swi-ppo-spflap8", "localhost")

SPF.Utilities.FileUtilities.UploadFile(lblSessionId.Text, _

lstrURL, _

txtFilename.Text, _

6000000, False)

End If


' Now call the upload method


Dim lstrDir As String = IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(txtFilename.Text)

Dim lobjUploadService As New UploadService.UploadSoapClient

Dim lobjUploadResult As UploadService.XFRUploadResult = lobjUploadService.UploadFileInstruction(lblSessionId.Text, cboSourceClassDef.Text, txtSourceName.Text, txtFileClassDef.Text, lstrFileNameWOutPath, "My new file desc", lstrDir, My.Computer.Name)

lblHasBeenProcessed.Text = lobjUploadResult.RequestID