Page overrides - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 44 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation Customization

SmartPlant Foundation
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Customization & Programming
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Called when moving pages.

Public Overridable Sub OnBeforeNext()

Called when moving pages.

Public Overridable Sub OnAfterNext()

Called when moving pages.

Public Overridable Sub OnBeforePrevious()

Called when moving pages.

Public Overridable Sub OnAfterPrevious()

Called when you click Finish or Apply; will call OnCleanupPages.

Public Overridable Sub OnFinish()

Called when you click the Apply button, internally calls the OnFinish method.

Public Overridable Sub OnApply()

Called when swapping pages.

Public Overridable Sub OnRefreshPage()

Called when the page has changed to sort out the buttons. This is called from a few places including OnRefreshPage.

Public Overridable Sub OnRefreshButtons()

Called when the page has changed.

Public Overridable Sub OnPageChanged()

Called when Next button clicked; internally calls OnBeforeNext and OnAfterNext.

Public Overridable Sub AdvancePage()

Called when previous button clicked; internally calls OnBeforePrevious and OnAfterPrevious.

Public Overridable Sub PreviousPage()

Calls the Print form when the Print button is clicked.

Public Overridable Shadows Sub OnPrint()