Form section classes - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 44 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation Customization

SmartPlant Foundation
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Customization & Programming
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

The class behind the form section is SPF.Client.Forms.FormControls.SectionElement, which inherits from SPFGroupBox.

Similar to the wizard, when the client starts up it looks for all classes that inherit from the SectionElement, and it stores them in overridden sections collection. When a form is displayed in the client for each section it will look in the collection to find a matching overridden class using the following logic:

Dim lstrModifiedSectionName As String = pobjISPFSection.IObject.InternalName.Replace("-", "")

lstrModifiedSectionName = lstrModifiedSectionName.Replace(" ", "")


' Look for a control that matches the name of this display item and then name of propertydef


With SectionControls.GetEnumerator

Do While .MoveNext

Dim lstrKey As String = CType(.Key, String)

If lstrModifiedSectionName.IndexOf(lstrKey) > -1 Then

lobjInterfaceType = CType(.Value, Type)

End If


End With

It takes the section name (internal name is before any localization), replaces any '-' / ' ' with blank, then looks for any overridden sections containing this string.