Customizing icons for light list view paging query - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 44 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation Customization

SmartPlant Foundation
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Customization & Programming
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

To improve performance displaying objects in the light list view, objects now appear using different icons created through customizing an object’s icon using custom code. You can change the icons displayed in the paging query light list view by using the Sideways override feature as previously described. This is implemented on an interface called ISPFIconProcessor using a method called GetIcons.

The following example shows the signature for the GetIcons method.

Sub GetIcons(pobjItems As IObjectDictionary, pcolClassDefs As Dictionary(Of String, IClassDef))

The following is an example of an interface override:

    Public Class ISPFIconProcessorDefault1

        Inherits ISPFIconProcessorDefault

#Region " Constructors "

        Public Sub New(ByVal pblnInstantiateRequiredItems As Boolean)


        End Sub

#End Region

#Region " Overrides "

        Public Overrides Sub GetIcons(pobjItems As IObjectDictionary, pcolClassDefs As Dictionary(Of String, IClassDef))


            ' Perform logic and if required call mybase...


            'MyBase.GetIcons(pobjItems, pcolClassDefs)

        End Sub

#End Region

    End Class

For more information on configuring icons for the paging query light list view, see the Configure light list view paging query.