Custom result factories - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 44 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation Customization

SmartPlant Foundation
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Customization & Programming
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Queries support the ability to bind the results to the object type, rather than the predefined IObject, ResultObject, or PartialObject. This works by serializing the resulting object to a JSON string. You can then pass your own function delegate to convert the JSON string into your own object type.

The following example uses the JSON deserialize function. However, you can implement the JSON deserialization in anyway required. This matches the object UID onto your custom object type.

Dim lcolResults As ICollection(Of CustomObjectType) = lobjDynamicQuery.ExecuteWithResultFactory(Of CustomObjectType)(AddressOf CreateResult(Of CustomObjectType))

Your example delegate function looks like this.

Protected Function CreateResult(Of T)(pstrJson As String) As ICollection(Of T)

Return TryCast(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of T())(pstrJson), T())

End Function

This maps to our CustomObjectType, which has just one property.

Public Class CustomObjectType


Public Property UID() As String


Return m_UID

End Get

Set(value As String)

m_UID = Value

End Set

End Property

Private m_UID As String

End Class

The <JsonProperty("ObjUID")> attribute tells the deserializer to map the JSON value of ObjUID to the property UID on the CustomObjectType.