Navigate to the Gemsbok folder.
Copy 'build.properties.example' to 'build.properties'.
Edit the 'build.properties' using a text editor like Wordpad, and make the following changes:
dirtomcatwebapps: Set this parameter to point to the webapps folder of your Tomcat instance.
Example: C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 8.0/webapps
fileSystemRootDirectory: Set this parameter to point to the root folder of your j5 IDE projects folder:
Example: C:/Users/<user>/j5 Projects/
Even though this is a Windows system, in this configuration you must use forward slashes (‘/’). Replace all of the backslashes (‘\’) in the path name with forward slashes (‘/’).
configuration: Set this parameter to the sjsoftj5 configuration folder in your Gemsbok folder:
Example: C:/gemsbok/configuration/sjsoftj5
war: Change this parameter to the name of the webapp. For example: "gemsbok".
Optional: Change other settings if required (for example, the port number, the WAR filename)
An example build.properties file is shown below:
This is the Signavio Core Components configuration file. Most users only must configure this file.
The path to your Apache Tomcat webapps folder
dirtomcatwebapps = C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 8.0/webapps
The path to your jBoss deployment folder
dirjbosswebapps = /jboss5.1.0/server/default/deploy
The folder the war file(s) is/are stored target = target
The version of the application. If you want to integrate the Signavio Core Components into your own software product, you can align the version number. version=1.0.0
The name of the war file, if you use the allinonewar build target war = gemsbok
The configuration you want to use. This is the name of the folder in the 'configuration' project that contains the configuration and skin files. The following configurations are available:
default, Activiti, jBPM
You can also add your own configuration in the 'configuration' project. configuration = C:/gemsbok/configuration/sjsoftj5
The URL of your server. Format: https://<domain>(:<port>)