Step 9: Build the BPMN workflow - j5 - 28.0 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

j5 BPMN Workflow Configuration

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We need to convert the BPMN workflow (created in Gemsbok) into a format that the j5 system can interpret, by running a build script. To do this:

  1. Open Command Prompt as an Administrator

  2. Type in the following command:

    Pythonprompt "C:\Program Files (x86)\j5\framework\packages\sjsoft\bpmnWorkflow\Packager.pyc"

    "<path to your bpmn-workflow folder>"

  • Restart your command prompt for it to recognize the "Pythonprompt" command after configuring your environmental variables (Installation > Step 5).

  • This command will not show a success message. The absence of an error message indicates that the script ran successfully.

Tutorial Example: Build the BPMN workflow by running the above code in a Command Prompt:

Pythonprompt "C:\Program Files (x86)\j5\framework\packages\sjsoft\BpmnWorkflow\Packager.pyc"



Update <user> to your Windows’ user name before running this command.

If you are experiencing any issues in building BPMN workflow, refer to Troubleshooting.