Step 6: Add BPMN build configuration file - j5 - 28.0 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

j5 BPMN Workflow Configuration

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Administration & Configuration
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When a new Module entry (e.g. a new Permit in Permit to Work) is created, j5 links the workflow at the time of creation to the entry. If a new workflow is introduced after the Module entry is created, then the existing entry will remain linked to the older version of the workflow. Only new Module entries will inherit the updated workflow.

Every time you make changes to the BPMN workflow design, a new version of the BPMN workflow design is built and saved in the "bpmn­workflow" folder. The j5 system does this to keep a historical copy of all generated workflows, in case an existing Module entry required a historical version of the workflow.

For j5 to manage the versions of these workflows, you will need to create a new configuration file called "build.cfg" in the "bpmn­workflow" folder. To do this:

  1. Open the j5 IDE

  2. Navigate to the Files tab

  3. Right click the bpmn­workflow folder, under the Logbook Form

  4. Click New File… from the context menu.

  5. Name the file "build.cfg"

Update the contents of the file as follows:

  1. Double-click the file "build.cfg"

  2. Copy the text below into the right­hand panel.

  3. Click Save.

[Packager Options]

input_files = *.bpmn20.xml

entry_point_process = <workflow pool name>

target_engine = sjsoft­j5

target_engine_version = 1.14.1

editor = gemsbok

The only unique configuration point is the "entry_point_process". This value will depend on the Pool name in your specific BPMN diagram.

Tutorial Example: Create a build.cfg file in the bpmn-workflow folder with the following contents:

[Packager Options]

input_files = *.bpmn20.xml

entry_point_process = Environmental Incident Process

target_engine = sjsoft­j5

target_engine_version = 1.14.1

editor = gemsbok