Generate an isometric drawing - Intergraph Smart Isometrics - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Isometrics Help

Intergraph Smart Isometrics
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The steps below are applicable for legacy Smart Isometrics projects. If you are logged in to a Smart IsometricsDB project, see Generate deliverables for a SpoolgenDB project pipeline.

  1. Select Tools > Generate Drawing Command to display the Generate Drawings Dialog.

  2. Specify the settings for Isometric style, Output units and North arrow as needed.

  3. Select OK to generate the drawing. After the drawing generation process completes, the software opens the Deliverables Generated Dialog.

  • The options on the Deliverables Generated dialog let you to view the isometric drawing, view the log file created during drawing generation, or view extraction data collected from the drawing generation process.

  • If drawing generation fails, the software displays the Drawing Generation Message box. Select View Messages to view the log file, or click Generation Logs to view the extraction data. To close the message box, select OK.