API registration - Intergraph Smart API Manager - 2020 (4.0) - Help

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Intergraph Smart API Manager
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There are two ways to register a Smart API with Smart API Manager:

  1. A system administrator uses an API Registration Utility, provided with the Smart API, to register the Smart API after installation. This is the preferred workflow.

  2. A system administrator registers the Smart API from Smart API Manager.

Typically, Smart Client developers do not register Smart APIs, but they can use Smart API Manager to collect relevant information about a Smart API (for example, Resource Identifier).

API registration requires that the Smart API implements a service description document, located at:

<service root>/description

All Smart APIs include a service description. For example, the service description for the SampleService Smart API is:


Claim types and values for a Smart API originate from the service description. The SampleService service description has a claim type called Role and five potential values for the claim. It also has a Customer ID claim type (string), which you can populate by entering its value in Smart API Manager. For instructions, see Change a value for a Smart API enumerated claim type.