DisplayName - Intergraph Smart API Manager - 2020 (4.0) - Help

Intergraph Smart API Manager Help

Intergraph Smart API Manager
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The DisplayName annotation holds a value that is appropriate to represent an entity or property in the user interface for a Smart Client.

For example, review the annotations metadata document for the SampleService:


If you review annotations for the Equipment entity, you will see the following metadata annotations for DisplayName:

<Annotations Target="Com.Ingr.Sppid.V1.Equipment">


<Annotation Term="Com.Ingr.Core.V1.DisplayName" String="Equipment"/>

<Annotation Term="Com.Ingr.Core.V1.DisplayName" Qualifier="ru-RU" String="Оборудование"/>



Equipment is the suggested value to represent the entity in the user interface for a Smart Client. The Smart API may also expose values appropriate for foreign-language locale(s). In this case, Russian language values are provided.

Review annotations for the Equipment/EquipmentType property:

<Annotations Target="Com.Ingr.Sppid.V1.Equipment/EquipmentType">


<Annotation Term="Com.Ingr.Core.V1.DisplayName" String="Equipment type" />

<Annotation Term="Com.Ingr.Core.V1.DisplayName" Qualifier="ru-RU" String="Тип оборудования" />


Equipment type is the suggested value to represent the EquipmentType property for the Equipment entity in the user interface for a Smart Client.

The DisplayName annotations serve as a string table, or library, of possible values, and include the ability to provide language-based values for localization.