Representations - Intergraph Smart API Manager - 2020 (4.0) - Help

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If you review the File entity in the main $metadata document for the SampleService, you will notice there is a NavigationProperty called Representations:$metadata

<EntityType Name="File"




<NavigationProperty Name="Representations"




A representation defines a mapping between an instance of an entity, such as a Pipe, and its graphical representation in the file.

Representations are not implemented in the SampleService. The URIs shown below will fail if you attempt to call them; the URIs demonstrate the calling conventions only.

Get entity information for a graphical representation

Representations are useful when your client application has the ability to:

  1. Open a file that contains graphical objects.

  2. Select or highlight a graphical object, such as a pipe.

  3. Retrieve a unique ID from the graphical object, such as P-123.

    Then, query for a representation:

    GET'302')/Files('Primary 302')/Representations('P-123')

    A typical response looks like:

    HTTP 200 (OK)

    Content-Type: application/json


       "@odata.type": "Com.Ingr.Core.V1.Representation",

       "Id": "P-123",

       "EntityId": "5678",

       "EntityType": "Com.Ingr.Sppid.V1.Pipe"

       "EntityReadLink": "78')"


  4. If the EntityReadLink value is not null, the client application MUST use it to read entity information.

  5. If the EntityReadLink value is null, the client app inspects the $metadata document to find an entity set for the specified entity type, Pipes.

  6. Request the entity data:


Find a graphical representation of an entity

If you need to go in the reverse direction, find a graphical representation when you have the graphical file available and a particular entity instance, for example, Pipe 302:

  1. The client queries the representations collection of the file to find mappings for the selected entity:

    GET'302')/Files('Primary 302')/Representations?$filter=EntityId eq ‘5678’ and EntityType eq ‘Com.Ingr.Sppid.V1.Pipe’

    HTTP 200 (OK)

    Content-Type: application/json


       "@odata.type": "Com.Ingr.Core.V1.Representation",

       "Id": "1234",

       "EntityId": "5678",

       "EntityType": "Com.Ingr.Sppid.V1.Pipe"

       "EntityReadLink": " "


  2. The client uses representation Ids to find and highlight entity on the drawing. If more than one representation exists all will be highlighted.