Multi-tenant APIs (OData+) - Intergraph Smart API Manager - 2020 (4.0) - Help

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Multi-tenancy is a pattern wherein a single instance of software—in this case a Smart API—can serve multiple tenants. A tenant represents a group of users who share access with specific privileges to a set of data. All multi-tenant Smart APIs follow the same rules/protocol as outlined here.

Because the SampleService Smart API comprises a data set loosely based on the Smart P&ID application produced by Hexagon PPM, and the fact that this application provides a good example of the multi-tenant pattern, it is used as an example.

To demonstrate multi-tenancy, there is a V3 version of the SampleService API implemented:

This version is also secured by an authorization server included with the following, public-facing instance of Smart API Manager:

Be aware of the URLs referenced in this topic, as they refer to the V3 version of the API exclusively.


Smart P&ID users go through a site database to access plants. Plant data is stored in its own database. Therefore, a user must navigate to a particular site and/or plant before accessing actual engineering data, such as vessels, pipes, and nozzles. Here, terms are defined in relation to this design.

  • Partitioning - To logically or physically separate data into distinct, independent parts. Data is partitioned for isolation, management, and/or performance reasons. For this example, a plant (database) represents a data partition.

  • Partition Entity - An entity that participates in defining a path to a data partition. A partition entity is identified via the IsPartitionEntity annotation. For this example, there are two partition entities: Site and Plant.

  • Tenant - Group of users sharing access to a data partition. For this example, the set of users with privileges to access a particular plant defines a tenant.

  • Partition Path - The path a client must take in order to reach data in the partition of a single tenant. The partition path comprises a set of partition entities associated via contained relationships, that is, navigation properties.

    Thus, a partition path is formed by an instance of the first (root) partition entity, followed by an instance of a related descendant entity (also annotated as IsPartitionEntity), and so forth, until the last (leaf) partition entity is reached.

    For this example, Sites is the top-level entity set accessible from the service root, and Site is a partition entity. Site has a navigation property to Plants, with Plant also being a partition entity. So, a partition path starts with an instance of a Site, and it ends with an instance of a Plant. There are two partition paths for this example:

    •'Site A')/Plants('Plant A')

    •'Site A')/Plants('Plant B')

  • Multi-tenant - As stated previously, multi-tenancy is a software design pattern wherein a single instance of software can serve multiple tenants. To determine if the Smart API you are using is multi-tenant, look for the IsMultiTenant annotation in the annotations $metadata:$metadata

    <Annotations Target="Com.Ingr.Sppid.V3.Container">

    <Annotation Term="Com.Ingr.Vocabularies.Core.V1.IsMultitenant" Bool="true"/>



If you navigate to the service root of a multi-tenant Smart API, you will notice only one EntitySet, in this case Sites:


@odata.context: "$metadata",

value: [


name: "Sites",

kind: "EntitySet",

url: "Sites"





Reviewing the$metadata for the service reveals the following hierarchy, essentially a plant breakdown structure:


From Unit, you can navigate to the following types:

  • PlantItems (base type for equipment)

  • Equipments (base type for Vessel, Nozzle, Pipe)

  • Vessels

  • Pipes

  • Nozzles

You can navigate the hierarchy of a multi-tenant Smart API, discovering what is available at each partition.