Safety Matrix screen - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Safety Management

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Safety Matrix screen allows identification of hazards and precautions between equipment and activities performed on this equipment.

As described above, on the Safety tabs of the equipment screens and activity screens, like the Standard WO and the PM Schedules screen, hazards and precautions can also be associated. These hazards and precautions always apply, no matter what activity is performed or where it is performed. For example, equipment that is installed 50 feet in the air always has the danger of falling. Or equipment installed under water, always has the danger of drowning. This danger or hazard is there, regardless of the activity you are performing. For a Standard WO where welding is the activity, we can come up with a similar example. Welding can always hurt your eyes, no matter where you weld.

But what if welding is required to fix a leak in a tank and that tank contains a flammable liquid? That adds an obvious explosion or fire hazard. Other activities on the same tank that do not require an open flame, may have other hazards or no hazards at all, but do not include the explosion or fire hazard. These hazards and precautions, which depend on the combination of equipment or location and the activity performed on that equipment or location, can be recorded on the Safety Matrix screen.

Define safety matrix records as follows:

  1. Safety Matrix PK - Automatically generated sequence number to uniquely identify the record.

  2. Organization - Organization of the safety matrix record. You can use common organization to make the record available.

  3. See Safety tab above for a description of the following fields in the Safety Details section:

    • Hazard

    • Hazard Type

    • Precaution

    • Timing

    • Sequence

    • Health Hazard

    • Flammability

    • Instability

    • Special Hazards

  4. Equipment Details section:

    • Class - Rather than individual equipment you can make the record applicable for all equipment of a certain class.

    • Category - Rather than individual equipment you can make the record applicable for all equipment of a certain category.

    • Equipment - Select individual equipment for which this safety record is applicable. This could also be a location.

    • Apply to Children - Use this check box if children of the selected equipment or location should inherit the safety record. Subsequently all the children of a production line will show the safety record simply by associating it one time to the parent production line. This works on both the location and the equipment hierarchy.

  5. Activity Details section:

    • PM Schedule

    • Standard WO

    • Task Plan

    • Job Plan

  6. All UDFs:

    • Default from the selected precaution but can be overwritten.

    • Through screen designer the User Defined Field Options and User Defined Field Lookup Values will not be available. Use the Precautions screen for this setup.

  7. Review Details - In this section you can review the data on the Safety Matrix record. When you enter a new record on this screen, or when you update an existing record the review details will be cleared, rendering the record un-reviewed. Initiate the review process by clicking the Reviewed By icon. The e-Signature popup will appear on which you can enter your username, password and select a Signature Type. If this gets validated OK, the system:

    1. Fills in the Review details on this tab.

    2. Sets Date Review Required equal to the system date plus the number of days set for Organization Option SAFERFRQ. If you do not want regular reviews of your safety data leave this option blank.

      Review here is record by record and not for the whole tab as applicable on the Safety tabs. There is no parent record here. That is also the reason that the Delete Pending check box is not available on this screen, because the review data would be deleted along with the record.