Permits screen - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Safety Management

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Use the Permits screen to define permits for work orders. If you have been using permits as part of your workflow before and you want to start using the full Safety Management capabilities, you will notice that permits now in essence are permit to work templates. Define permits as follows:

  1. Permit - Unique identification of the permit. If you leave this blank the system automatically assigns a sequence number.

  2. Description - Short description of the permit.

  3. Organization - The organization associated to the permit.

  4. Status - System Codes entity PTST.

    • Permits are under revision control and can only be edited when the Status is Unfinished.

    • Certain fields can be updated when the Status is Request Approval or Approved, but this depends on the Revision Control Setup. See Revision Control Setup.

    • When you approve a new revision

      • The current approved revision is automatically superseded.

      • If Organization Option PERMSYNC is YES, the system updates the Permits tabs of the Equipment, Location, Category, PM Schedules, and Standard WO screens with a matching organization where the permit is used and update Auto Create PTW, PTW Type, Type of Work, Priority, Risk, LOTO Required, Isolation Type and all UDFs with the new values of the permit.

      • If Organization Option PERMRREV is YES, the system updates the Permits tabs of the Equipment, Location, Category, PM Schedules (non-superseded only) and Standard WO screens with a matching organization where the permit is used and clears the review data, rendering the Permit tab un-reviewed.

  5. Auto Create PTW - If selected the system automatically creates a permit to work for the permit record when it is associated to the work order. If selected PTW Type and Risk must be entered as well since these are mandatory fields on the Permit to Work screen.

  6. PTW Type - System Codes entity PWTP. Like the WO Type. You can use this field to categorize a permit to work.

  7. Type of Work - System Codes entity PTTP. Like the WO Type. You can use this field to categorize a permit to work.

  8. Priority - System Codes entity JBPR. Priority codes are shared with the work order.

  9. Risk - System Codes entity PWRS. The Risk codes all reference a color, which are printed on the tags attached and printed with the permit to work report.

  10. LOTO Required - If selected the system will try and copy LOTO records from the equipment of the permit to work and associates them to the permit to work. Isolation Type must be entered as well, since this is necessary to determine which set of LOTO records to copy from the equipment.

  11. Isolation Type - See under LOTO tabs.

  12. Date Review Required - Like the Hazards screen.

  13. Revision Details - Like the Hazards screen.

  14. All UDFs

    • Through screen designer, the User Defined Field Options and User Defined Field Lookup Values on this screen will not be available. Use the Permit to Work screen for this setup.

  15. Buttons:

    • Create New Revision - Like the Hazards screen.

  16. Standard tabs - Like the Hazards screen.

    The Comments tab is called Permit Body on this screen.