PM Schedules | Nonconformities tab - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Nonconformities

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Nonconformities tab on the PM Schedules screen serves as a filter mechanism. Once you have selected Include Nonconformities on the Equipment tab all nonconformities associated with the equipment of the PM work order will be included if this screen is empty. By adding records on this screen, you are limiting that list of nonconformities to only those that match the criteria added to this screen. The tab has the following important attributes related to nonconformities:

  • Equipment Class - Select an equipment class if your work order inspects a certain type of equipment, for example fire extinguishers.

  • Nonconformity Class - Select a nonconformity class if your work order inspects a certain class of nonconformities.

  • Type - Select a nonconformity type if your work order inspects a certain nonconformity type, for example wood rot or corrosion.

  • Type Class - Select a nonconformity type class if your work order inspects a certain class of nonconformity type, for example rot or decay.

  • Severity - Select a severity if you want to inspect nonconformities with a certain severity.

    Other fields available for selection that serve similar purpose:

    • Department

    • Part

    • System Level

    • Assembly Level

    • Component Level

    • Material Type

    • Intensity

    • Size From

    • Size To

    • Importance

    • Priority

    • All nonconformity User Defined Fields

      Enter as many records as you like on this screen. Nonconformities will be included if they match all entered attributes of at least one record on this screen. As noted earlier, if no records are present on this screen all nonconformities of the equipment of the work order will be included.

See the Generate WOs screen for further details on how the system determines which nonconformities will be included on the generated preventive maintenance work orders.