This tab on the Nonconformities screen has the following important fields:
Observation PK - The unique record number is automatically assigned. This number identifies the observation of the nonconformity and is used internally by HxGN EAM and is hidden by default.
Observation - The sequence number identifying the observation for a specific nonconformity is automatically assigned.
Observation Status - System Codes status entity ‘NOST.’
Unfinished - This is the status where data can be changed.
Request Approval and Approved - Data is protected, but on the Nonconformities tab of the Revision Control Setup screen, you can identify which fields should not be protected with these statuses.
Skipped - Data is protected. Use this status when you found no time or opportunity to collect data for the observation. Or if the nonconformity has not changed since the last observation and there is no point recording anything. This status is typically used if a re-inspection was requested.
Repair - Data is unprotected if the associated work order is not completed yet. This is the status associated with the new observation of the repair work order that is created from this screen. See Create WO button.
Superseded - Data is protected. You can use this status when you approve an observation, and another earlier observation exists that is also approved and now needs to be superseded.
Task Plan for Checklist - You can associate a checklist to an observation. Checklists for this purpose can be created on the Task Plans screen. Make sure you select the Nonconformity Checklist check box, otherwise the Task Plan will not show up on the list here. Task Plan for Checklist may default from the selected Type.
Note - Free text field for a quick comment.
Recorded By - Employee who made the observation.
Date Recorded - Date and time the observation was recorded.
Work Order - Protected. Only populated if the observation is related to a work order.
Nonconformity Before Merge - Protected. Only populated after the nonconformity is merged into another nonconformity.
Mass acknowledgement is a feature that allows you to only record what has changed during an inspection and then quickly confirm or acknowledge that the remaining nonconformities of the work order were not changed. For example, you may have a work order with 50 nonconformities attached for re-inspection. Out of the 50 nonconformities, only 3 observations have changed since last time. You only need to update these three manually by adding a picture or a note. For the other 47 you can simply click the Mass Acknowledge button on the mobile device, which in turn will send a mass acknowledge request to the base HxGN EAM server for each of the 47 observations. The base server will process the request and fill in this information:
Mass Acknowledged - The mobile device will send over ‘Requested’ in this field, which will trigger the mass acknowledgement for this observation. After processing the possible values for this field are ‘Processed’ or ‘Processed (No source observation found).’ The latter is only if the setup on the Nonconformities Setup screen indicates that the observation must be updated by copying data from another observation and that the system could not find such a ‘source’ observation.
Acknowledged By - The user that acknowledged.
Date Acknowledged - The date and time of the acknowledgement.
Mobile Date Acknowledged - The date and time of the acknowledgement on the device.
Acknowledged Copied From - Copied from the Copy From field of the Nonconformities Setup screen.
Acknowledged Source Observation - Sequence number of the source observation used to update the mass acknowledged observation.
The system will also set Recorded By and Date Recorded.
Mass Acknowledgement is currently only available from the mobile device.
The following fields are also available on the Nonconformities screen, and they have the same purpose as well. Since the nonconformity may change over time the observation records provide insight in the development of the Severity, Intensity, Size and / or Importance and the associated Condition Score, Condition Index and Next Inspection Date, depending on the condition score matrix setup.
Condition Score
Condition Index
Next Inspection Date
Next Inspection Date Override
Fields will be displayed for information purposes from the work order, if attached. These fields include Status, Description, Type, Priority, Department, Equipment, Location, Assigned To, and Assigned By.
Add/Edit Comments - This button will bring up the standard comments popup. This popup will additionally show all comments of any unfinished (System Status) observations and a number of previous observations of the selected observation. On the Nonconformities Setup screen, you can set Previous Observation Count to control how many previous observations are included. Note that if this option is blank, the system will show zero previous comments, but will still show the comments of unfinished observations.
Add/Edit Documents - This button will bring up the standard documents popup. This popup selects documents in a similar way the Add/Edit Comments button selects comments.