The Nonconformity Types screen has the following important fields:
Nonconformity Type - Together with the Organization this determines the unique key of the nonconformity type.
Organization - The organization can be common or specific.
Description - Short description of the nonconformity type. This value will be used as the default description if a nonconformity type is selected, and no description is manually entered yet on the nonconformity screens. This is obviously only relevant in insert mode.
General - A new nonconformity type will always be selected as general, meaning it can be used anytime. This field will be unselected automatically, if the type is associated with a material type, an EMRS code or a part.
Standard WO - The selected standard wo is used by the pre-configured alert delivered with the nonconformity functionality. It is however not used as a default when you create a work order from the Nonconformities screen.
Following is a list of fields that are copied to the nonconformity, as default values, when the type is selected. See the Nonconformities screen section above.
Nonconformity Class
This field does not impact custom fields on this screen.
Task Plan for Checklist
Standard Tabs