The Nonconformities Setup screen shows a setup record for each organization you have read or update rights for. The screen has the following important attributes:
Protect header Data - If selected, the header nonconformity data on the Nonconformity Observations screen and the Nonconformities tab of the Work Order screen will be protected if more than one observation is present for the nonconformity. Otherwise, these fields will remain unprotected, and any changes will update the header nonconformity.
Protection of individual fields is still subject to the selections on the Nonconformities tab of the Revision Control Setup screen. -
Protect Observation Data on Header - If selected, Severity, Intensity, Size, Importance, and Next Inspection Date Override will be protected on the Nonconformities screen in update mode. Otherwise, these fields will remain unprotected.
Synchronize Header With Observation - Observation data can be synchronized with the associated nonconformity header. The system will copy Severity, Intensity, Size, Importance, Condition Index, Condition Score, Next Inspection Date and Next Inspection Date Override from the observation to the header nonconformity. Select the timing when this synchronization should occur.
At Approval of the observation. Only active if the original (system) status was not approved.
At Update of the observation. Note that this is applicable for any update applied, even if you update Date Recorded.
Never, i.e., the synchronization feature is switched off.
Merge Restrictions - Determines which nonconformities can be selected for merging.
If set to Unrestricted, there is no constraint. Meaning you can merge nonconformities of different equipment for example, or a different Type.
If set to Restricted, Equipment, Type, Part, System Level, Assembly Level, Component Level, and Material Type must be the same or blank.
If set to Similar Equipment, only Equipment must be the same.
If set to Similar Type, only Type must be the same.
And if set to Similar Part, only Part, System Level, Assembly Level, Component Level, and Material Type must be the same.
Create from Checklist - Determines if new nonconformities, or observations for open nonconformities, are automatically created from the work order checklist and the operator checklist. Select the timing and the source from which creation should occur.
If set to At Review Sign Off, system will create nonconformities or observations when the Reviewed By signature is placed on the checklist of the work order or operator checklist screens.
Similar if set to At Review Sign Off (WO Only), only from the checklist of the work order.
If set to Never, the creation function is switched off.
Use Observation Status - Nonconformity observations require manual status changes or not.
If Yes, the user must manually change the observation status.
If No, the system will protect the observation status and never apply changes.
If Automatic, the system will protect the observation status and will apply updates to the observation status automatically. New observations will automatically be assigned the default unfinished status. An update of an unfinished observation must be made to automatically set the status of that unfinished observation to approved. Any update of any field will trigger this update and the system will use the Auto Approve Status for this. Additionally, the system may also supersede the current approved observation, if one exists, and will use the Superseded Status for this update.
With the setting at Automatic, delete of approved observations is allowed.
Superseded Status - Value of the Status that will be assigned to the currently approved observation after approval of another observation. The system will only supersede the one observation that last updated the header nonconformity and only if it has the same user defined Status as the one selected to approve the other observation. This very selective supersession is so the system does not overwrite manually assigned status codes by the user, since these could have a special meaning in the work flow.
Note that approval of observations does not have to happen in the sequence in which the observations were created. Also note that the last observation that updated the header is referenced on the header nonconformity record in Source Observation providing that Synchronize Header With Observation is not set to off.
You can select any user defined status value here, but it must be attached to an approved or superseded system status.
Select a status with an approved system code if you still want the user to make changes to the observation. With system status approved you can unprotect fields using the Nonconformities tab of the Revision Control Setup screen.
Re-Inspection Status - Value of the status of new observations when created for a re-inspection of an existing nonconformity. Used for automatically generated observations during the release of PM or Maintenance Pattern work orders. Also, used when manually creating a new observation for an existing nonconformity on the Nonconformity Observations screen.
If you set Use Observation Status to Automatic this value cannot be set, and the system will always use unfinished for new observations.
Auto Approve Status - At work order closing automatically set the status of any unfinished observations associated with the work order. Only applied to observations that were created from the work order, meaning the initial or first observation of a nonconformity, or to the observations created for re-inspection that were updated because of a finding. Also, see the setting for the related Auto Skip Status. If you set Use Observation Status to Yes and leave this field blank, the system will prevent closing the work order.
Auto Skip Status - At work order closing, automatically set the status of any unfinished observations associated with the work order and created for re-inspection, meaning it does not apply to the initial or first observation of a nonconformity. Only applied if none of the observation data was updated (skipped). Also, see the setting for the related Auto Approve Status. If you set Use Observation Status to Yes and leave this field blank, the system will prevent closing the work order.
Include Condition for Re-Inspection - If selected, the system will copy the values of Severity, Intensity, Size, Importance, and Next Inspection Date Override from the related nonconformity header to the observation when a new observation is created. Otherwise, these fields will remain blank on the new observation.
Previous Observation Count - Determines how many, previous observations for the same nonconformity will be displayed on the observation’s comments and documents popup. Value ranges from 0 to 999999. If you leave this blank the system assumes 0.
The Acknowledge Non-Updated Observations on Work Orders section on this screen activates the ability to perform mass acknowledgement on the mobile device. This section has the following important attributes:
Mass Acknowledgement Allowed - If selected, the user can click a button on the (mobile) work order to acknowledge all observations on the work order that were not individually updated by the user. Otherwise, the button will be hidden. The acknowledgement, which usually indicates nothing has changed, will fill the Date Recorded and Recorded By fields and may also copy other data to the acknowledged observation as requested on this screen, such as Severity, Intensity, etc.
As part of the acknowledgement, and if you select the corresponding checkbox, the system will copy one or more values to the acknowledged observation, from either another observation of the nonconformity, or from the header nonconformity itself. The source of the copy is determined by the setting of the Copy From field. If the corresponding checkbox is unselected, that value will not be copied as part of the acknowledgement. This concerns the following checkboxes: Copy Severity, Copy Intensity, Copy Size, Copy Importance, Copy Next Inspection Date Override and Copy Observation UDFs. The latter copies all user defined field values to the acknowledged observation from another observation.
Copy From - Controls whether the data is copied from the nonconformity header or another observation of the same nonconformity. These are the options:
Header Nonconformity copies from the nonconformity header data. Note that Copy Observation UDFs cannot be selected in this case.
Current Approved Observation copies from the observation referenced in Source Observation on the header nonconformity if it is not blank. Otherwise, copies from the most recently created or updated observation with system status Approved.
Most Recent Recorded Observation copies from the observation with the most recent Data Recorded and System Status not equal to Superseded and not equal to Skipped.