The Nonconformities screen has the following important fields:
Nonconformity - The unique number identifying the nonconformity is automatically assigned.
Description - Short description of the nonconformity. If you enter Type first and this field is still blank, the system will fill in the type description.
Organization - The organization can only be specific, like the Work Order screen.
Status - System Codes status entity ‘NCST.’
Open - This is the status where data can be changed.
Closed - Data is protected, and the nonconformity will not be included in automatic re-inspections anymore.
You can still change the status when the nonconformity is closed. You can also reopen a closed nonconformity.
Equipment - A nonconformity must reference equipment. A value is required.
Department - Defaults from the selected Equipment but can be changed freely.
Location - Defaults from the selected Equipment but can be changed freely.
System Level - Optional reference. Use this to better identify what subset of the equipment the observation is against. For example, if the equipment is a building and the building has no child equipment, you can use this field to identify that the problem is with the roof or with the foundation. System level codes can be created on the VMRS Codes screen.
You can also specify Assembly Level and Component Level here, if a further breakdown beyond System Level is desired.
These values may default from the selected Equipment.
Part - Optional reference. Similar purpose as described above under System Level. There is no penalty using one or the other or even both together. This value may default from the selected Equipment.
Material Type - Optional reference. System Codes type entity ‘MATP.’ This value may default from the selected System Level, Assembly Level and Component Level or from the Part.
Type - Select from the list of nonconformity types. See setup section in this document, for more details on nonconformity types. This lookup is sensitive to the selection you have made for System Level, Assembly Level and Component Level, Part and Material Type.
The system will show all nonconformity types that are general (General check box is selected on the Nonconformity Types screen).
The system will also show all other nonconformity types, those that are not general, providing they are attached to at least one of the System Level, Assembly Level, Component Level, Part, or Material Type as entered on this screen.
The following four fields determine the condition of the equipment as it relates to this specific nonconformity. Whether you use all four fields depends on your requirements.
After entering Severity, Intensity, Size, and Importance the system will immediately determine the Condition Score, Condition Index and Next Inspection Date, depending on the condition score matrix setup. See Nonconformities Setup.
The system will search the condition score matrix for a match within a certain RCM Project. To determine which RCM Project to use, the system first looks at the Organization of the nonconformity. If that Organization has an RCM Project attached that project will be used. Otherwise, the system will use the RCM Project that is selected as the system default (See System Codes entity ‘STPR’).
Severity - System Codes entity ‘SEVE.’ An example application for this field is how the functioning of the equipment is influenced. This value may default from the selected Type. Sample codes:
Severe (primary working is influenced, functionality of the part is lost),
Serious (part is degraded but still functional),
Minor (small defects, esthetics, no functional impact).
Intensity - System Codes entity ‘INTN.’ An example application for this field is the stage of the nonconformity. Sample codes:
Low (early stages, just starting, hardly visible),
Average (Defect has progressed over time, clearly visible),
High (End stage, cannot get worse, very clearly visible).
Size - Area or size of the nonconformity. Bigger is usually not better.
Importance - System Codes entity ‘IMPT.’ Obvious application for this field is determining the importance of the component. A problem with the steps of the stairs is more important (arguably), than a problem with the paint of same stairs. This value may default from the selected System Level, Assembly Level, Component Level and Part. Sample codes:
Primary Construction Part (direct influence on the function of the part, e.g., steps of the stairs)
Secondary Construction Part (indirect influence, e.g., banister)
Tertiary Construction Part (finishing and protection, e.g., paint)
After entering or changing values for any one of these four fields, the system immediately determines values for the following three fields, providing it finds a corresponding record in the Condition Score Matrix:
Condition Score
Condition Index
Next Inspection Date
The Condition Score Matrix requires a 100% match to determine a condition score, condition index and next inspection date. If such a match does not exist, there will be additional attempts to find a more generic record that matches. As follows:
Attempt 1) Search for a Severity, Intensity and Size match.
Attempt 2) Search for a Severity and Intensity match.
Attempt 3) Search for a Severity only match.
For example, if you entered Severity, Intensity, and Size and there is no 100% match, but the system finds a record in the matrix that matches Severity and Intensity, and both Size and Importance are blank in the matrix, that record will be used. If no such record is found it will try again now with Severity only. In the matrix Intensity, Size and Importance must then be blank for a match.
You can also specify the following information:
Note - Free text field for a quick comment.
Priority - System Codes entity ‘JBPR.’ Priority codes are shared with the work order.
Next Inspection Date Override - You may find the system calculated Next Inspection Date unacceptable. In that case use this field to override that value with a more appropriate date. This will impact automatic re-inspections.
If repair is required, and should not be postponed much longer, you can specify the following information:
Recommended Repair Date
Estimated Labor Costs
Estimated Material Costs
Estimated Misc. Costs
Total Estimated Costs (Automatically calculated)
These estimate fields will not be used on work orders created for the repair of this nonconformity. They will however be copied to the Capital Planning Request, if created from the nonconformity. Because the Capital Planning Request does not support the miscellaneous costs field these costs will be added to the material costs.
Linear Reference Fields - These fields work like those on the work order. If the selected Equipment is linear the fields become available. Unlike on the work order screen however, the From Point and To Point will not be defaulted. If the selected Equipment is not linear these fields will be cleared and protected.
Fields will be displayed for information purposes from the selected equipment. These fields include Type, Department, Status, Operational Status, Class, Category, Safety, Criticality, Assigned To, Manufacturer, and Model.
Merge Nonconformity - This button will merge two nonconformities. You can use this if independent inspectors are tracking two different nonconformities that are, as it eventually turns out, the same issue. To merge these two nonconformities:
Select the nonconformity you want to keep.
Click the button.
On the popup select the nonconformity you want to merge. This is the one that will cease to exist.
Click Submit.
The nonconformity you selected to merge will get closed and all observations of this nonconformity have their Nonconformity code renamed and therefore are merged into the other (remaining) nonconformity. All observations will then be renumbered based on their Date Recorded. For records where this date is blank the system will use Date Created instead.
Create WO - This button will bring up the standard Create WO popup. When you click submit on the popup to create the work order, it will also create a new observation for the selected nonconformity and attach this to the created work order.
Create Capital Planning Request - This button creates a new capital planning request from the selected nonconformity.
View All Comments - This button will bring up the standard comments popup. This popup will show the comments of the selected nonconformity and of the latest observation (highest observation number) of that nonconformity. This popup will additionally show all comments of any unfinished (System Status) observations and several previous observations of the selected nonconformity. On the Nonconformities Setup screen, you can set Previous Observation Count to control how many previous observations are included. Note that if this option is blank, the system will show zero previous comments, but will still show the comments of unfinished observations.
View All Documents—This button will bring up the standard documents popup. This popup selects documents in a similar way the View Comments button selects comments.
Standard Tabs - Data on the Comments and Documents tab will be protected if the status of the nonconformity is closed. The Translations tab is never protected.
Department security is implemented on the Nonconformities screen. When you enter a new nonconformity on this screen, the system also creates the first observation.