Releasing a Batch Job - Intergraph Batch Services - Help

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When a job is being held, the job will remain in the queue until it is deleted or released. It will not run while the hold is in place. A user hold can be released either by the submitting user, or by a user with at least operator privileges on the server. Only a user with at least operator privileges can release an Administrative hold.

Using Batch Manager:

  1. Select the job.

  2. Select Job > User Release or Job > Operator Release, or click Release Job Release Job on the toolbar.

Using the command line:

  1. Start qmgr.

  2. Use the Release command to release the hold. You must have at least operator privileges to release both administrative and user holds. If you are releasing only an administrative hold, use the Unhold command.

Using the Batch API:

  1. Use the BatchGetJobInfo function to return a BATCH_JOB_INFO_2 structure.

  2. Check the BATCH_JOB_INFO_2.hold field for the type of hold.

  3. Use the BatchJobRelease function to release the hold.