Adding and Deleting Pipe Queue Destinations - Intergraph Batch Services - Help

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Destinations are used with pipe queues. Pipe queues are normally used to create a connection to a remote batch queue. A pipe queue interprets a batch job request, and pipes it to the first available queue in its destination list that will accept the request. The destination list may contain any queue type.

If there are no destinations in a pipe queue's destination list, the pipe queue behaves as if it is STOPPED, even though the outflow state is STARTED.

You must have manager privileges to change the destination list for a queue.

Using Batch Manager:

  1. Batch Manager provides two methods for adding/deleting destinations for a pipe queue:

    1. If you are creating a new pipe queue, select Queue > Create, and the select the Destination tab.

    You must select Pipe from the Queue Type box before you can access the Destination tab.

    1. If you are modifying an existing pipe queue, select Queue > Properties, and then select the Destination tab from the Queue Properties Dialog Box.

  2. If you are adding destinations, key the new destination queue into the Destination edit box. If you are removing destinations, select the destination to be removed from the List box, which displays the current list of destination queues.

  3. Select Add to add the destination to the List box. Select Remove to remove the destination from the List box.

  4. Click OK.

Using the command line:

  1. Start qmgr.

  2. Use the add destination command to add the destination. Use the delete destination command to delete the destination.

You can also use the set destination command to set the destination for the specified pipe queue to the specified destination (or several destinations). All previous destinations are discarded.

Using the Batch API:

  1. Use the BatchGetQueueInfo function to obtain the BATCH_QUEUE_INFO_2 structure.

  2. Edit the v.pipe.dest_list structure to add or remove the destination.

  3. Use the BatchSetQueueInfo function with the BATCH_QUEUE_INFO_2 structure to set the new destination names.