Mapping to Other Computers - Intergraph Batch Services - Help

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Batch Services requires the following information to map accounts for submitting jobs to and from systems running Batch Services. The method used to map accounts depends on the security requirements of your site.

Accounts must be mapped to a Windows user with the "Log on locally" user right.

For Minimum Security:

At sites where security is not a major concern, all jobs can be run as the same user. For example, if your system name is ROSE, then the following account mapping entry maps all users to the guest account on ROSE:

*\* = ROSE\Guest

For Increased Security Using Domain Accounts:

If users will be submitting jobs using domain accounts, then you can enter an account mapping for each user who will be running jobs on this system. For example, if your domain name is FLOWERS and your user name is Joe, then the following account mapping entry will ensure that all jobs submitted by FLOWERS\Joe are run as FLOWERS\Joe


Note that even if FLOWERS\Joe submits a job from a different Windows system to the system with the account mapping, his job will still be run as FLOWERS\Joe.

For Increased Security Using Local Accounts:

If your site does not use domain accounts but you require a higher level of security, use the following method:

If you are using the same account name and password on several systems, then you should create an account mapping entry that maps each account name from all computers. For example, if your account name is "Bob" on all the systems you log into (and your password is the same on all those systems) and this system is named "ROSE", you should create the following account mapping entry to map "Bob" from all computers to ROSE\Bob:

*\Bob = ROSE\Bob

If users use different accounts and passwords on different systems, you must use the Minimum Security method to map accounts.