Setting Batch Server Logging Level (Debug Level) - Intergraph Batch Services - Help

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The batch server logs its messages and problems in the Event Log. The amount and detail of the messages is dependent on the auditing (or debug) level set in the server. You can find the batch job log files in the %temp%\SP3DBatchSvcTemp file on the batch server machine.

Setting any of the "Debugging" auditing categories causes many events to be logged, and may fill up the event log.

You must have manager privileges on the server to set the debug level.

Using Batch Manager:

  1. Select the server.

  2. Select Server > Properties.

    Batch Manager displays the Server Properties Dialog Box.

  3. Select the levels of auditing desired under the Auditing block.

  4. Click OK.

Using the command line:

  1. Start qmgr.

  2. Use the set debug command.

Using the Batch API:

  1. Use the BatchGetServerInfo function to obtain the BATCH_SERVER_INFO structure for the server.

  2. Edit the BATCH_SERVER_INFO debuglevel.

  3. Use the BatchSetServerInfo function with the BATCH_SERVER_INFO structure to set the new debug level.

To view messages in the Event Log:

  1. Start Event Viewer from the Administrative Tools group.

  2. Select Application from the Log menu.