Job Submit: File Staging - Intergraph Batch Services - Help

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Describes how required files for the job are handled. See file staging for more information about handling job input/output files.

Inbound Staging

Indicates the specifications for copying source files before the job is executed.

Destination Name

Specifies a pathname on the execution computer. If this value is specified without a complete pathname, the working directory of the job on the execution computer is used to expand the pathname.

Source Name

Specifies the file to copy from. This value can be a remote file. Incomplete pathnames for local source file names are expanded using the current working directory.

Stage In Files

Lists the inbound destination name/source name specifications for the job.

Outbound Staging

Indicates the specifications for moving source files after the job is executed.

Destination Name

Specifies the remote destination file name (the file to copy to). This value can be a remote file. Incomplete pathnames for local destination file names are expanded using the current working directory.

Source Name

Specifies the pathname on the execution computer. Incomplete pathnames are expanded using the working directory of the job on the execution computer.

Stage Out Files

Lists the outbound destination name/source name specifications for the job.

Add File

Adds staging information. This option is available only at job submission.


Removes the specified staging specification from the Stage Out Files or Stage In Files list. This option is available only at job submission.

Remove All

Removes all staging information from the Stage Out Files or Stage In Files list. This option is available only at job submission.