BatchJobProgress.exe Utility - Intergraph Batch Services - Help

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Due to limitations within Windows Vista and newer Windows Operating Systems, the Interact with Desktop option for batch jobs is no longer available, and you are no longer notified when the batch jobs are running. As a result, Intergraph delivers an executable in version and higher that can notify you of the batch job status.

This executable, BatchJobProgress.exe, is delivered by default to the [Product Folder]\\Bin\ folder.

To run this application, it is recommended that you add it to the startup menu of the computer. The application places an icon in the taskbar. Then, it continuously monitors the Batch Manager for jobs that are processing and provides real-time feedback of the status of the job. It also reports the status of aborted and failed jobs. You can right-click the taskbar icon at any time to view a real-time status of any batch job running on the computer.