SDx Update 42 New Features and Improvements - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Release Notes/Bulletin

HxGN SDx Release Bulletin

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Release Notes/Bulletin
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
  • You can now create or update a workflow checklist with a list of mandatory and optional tasks and assign the checklist to the workflow step. For more information, see Create a workflow checklist. (CR-AM-177094)

  • SDx Installer will have the prerequisite of Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 for PDFNet SDK in Application Server. For more information, see Prerequisites. (CR-AM-183087)

  • You can now make file attachment as mandatory on creating documents in the Web Client, to prevent documents being created without attached files. For more information, see Configure file attachments as mandatory on creating documents. (CR-AM-177685)

  • You can now configure the file chunk size in MB in Server Manager when uploading files to the server which can help performance and stop large file uploads failing if you use the MetaDefender AV plugin. For more information, see Web Client Site Settings node. (CR-AM-182465)

  • You can now search for multiple items directly in the search bar using the Multiple object search multi-object-search functionality. You can either type in the search criteria for each object in a separate line with wildcards or copy and paste lines directly from a spreadsheet, such as Excel, before you click Search . For more information, see Search for multiple items. (CR-AM-125748)


  • You can now create custom email definitions or update existing email definitions when configuring a workflow step definition. Based on the type of email definition configured, the email notifications are sent to the recipient with step status. The email body can be composed either in advanced text editor or HTML editor. For more information, see Create a new email definition. (CR-AM-180570, CR-AM-182424).

  • You can now navigate down a hierarchy and add custom interfaces at the specified level using the Configure Enum Types functionality. Any custom interfaces created are automatically inherited by class definitions below it. For more information, see Maintaining tag types in a hierarchy. (CR-AM-182055)

  • From HxGN SDx Update 42, the Server Manager code of the SDx Connectors has been merged with the SDx Server Manager to support the frequent update releases of SDx Connectors. The installers for the SDx Connectors are now supplied only with the installation package without Server Manager code.

  • If you are using SDx Connector for Plant Maintenance, SDx Connector for AspenTech, or SDx Connector for OSIsoft PI and plan to upgrade HxGN SDx to Update 42, you must first uninstall the already installed SDx Connector for Plant Maintenance, SDx Connector for AspenTech, or SDx Connector for OSIsoft PI, then upgrade HxGN SDx to Update 42 and install the latest update of SDx Connector for Plant Maintenance, SDx Connector for AspenTech, or SDx Connector for OSIsoft PI. For more information, see Upgrade.

  • If you are using Visualization Data Service (VDS) and plan to upgrade HxGN SDx to Update 42, you must first uninstall the already installed Visualization Data Service (VDS), then upgrade HxGN SDx to Update 42 and install the latest update of Visualization Data Service (VDS). For more information, see Update VDS.