Log files - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Installation & Upgrade

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher Installation and Setup

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)
Smart Interop Publisher Version

Smart Interop Publisher generates various log files to help you analyze and correct problems with graphics throughout your workflow. You can open Smart Model translation, project, and publish log files from the Smart Models grid. For Smart Drawings, you can open translation and project log files from the Smart Drawings grid.

Project Summary or Detailed Log Files

To enable general or project-wide error logging for graphics file translation:

  1. From the Projects view, select a project, and right-click to select Settings > Project.

  2. On the Logging tab, select Detailed Log or Summary Log for Logging Options to determine the log file content.

    • Summary log - Lists the number of graphic objects that were created, the number of graphics that failed, the total number of objects, and the number of unsupported entities.

    • Detailed log - Lists detailed information on the graphic objects in the file such as handle information, color, layer, and so forth.

  3. For the Log File Location, type or Browse to set the path. The [source file name_file type].log file is created in this path. Smart Interop Publisher automatically creates a Logging subfolder under your project shared content location in which you can store the generated log file.

  4. Click Save.

    Smart Interop Publisher generates and appends information to the log text file.

  5. To open project and other generated log files, select the status display in the Smart Models and Smart Drawings grids.

  6. Periodically check the project log file. Information sent to a log file is accumulated and its size could get extremely large after just a few translation operations. If the file size gets too large, translation operations can fail. Delete the log file so that Smart Interop Publisher generates a new log file at the next translation.

Smart Interop Publisher does not create graphics log files for PDS, PDS Legacy, Smart 3D (3D model data and SPRDirect), and .dri files generated for MicroStation V7 (.dgn) source files. For information on problems encountered during translation, refer to the log files generated in the VUE and ZVF folders under your designated Smart Model location.

Translation Location

The software automatically creates a [source file name_file type].log file each time you translate source files to Smart Models or Smart Drawings. Smart Interop Publisher places translation information in the log file generated in the selected Smart Model or Smart Drawing folder. The log file for translation contains the translation status information and a record of any error messages that were encountered. You can open translation log files from the Translation Status columns in the Smart Models and Smart Drawings grids.

Publish Location

A log file is automatically created each time you publish and update Smart Models and Smart Drawings to SmartPlant Foundation.

  • For Smart Models, this log file is created in the ZVF subfolder of the Smart Model translation location. For example, if you specify C:\Smart Models1 as the path, the log file is created in C:\Smart Models1\ZVF. You can open the generated log file from the SPF Publish Status column in the Smart Models grid.

  • For Smart Drawings, a log file is created in the DWG subfolder of the Smart Drawing translation location. For example, if you specify C:\Smart Drawings1 as the path, the log file is created in C:\Smart Drawings1\DWG.

Generate Mapping Tool Location

From the GenerateMappingTool dialog, click View Log to see the log file generated after you have used the tool to export your .drv files.