Belt Type Sheet - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Material Handling Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Material Handling
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version

The Belt Type sheet in the MHEBeltType.xls workbook defines the belts that you want in your catalog.

Part Number - Enter a part number for the belt. This identification must be unique across the entire catalog.

Part Description - Enter a description for the belt.

Belt Width - Specify the width you want to use for this belt.

Belt Thickness - Specify the total thickness of the belt.

Top Cover Thickness - Specify the thickness value for the top cover.

Bottom Cover Thickness - Specify the thickness value for the bottom cover.

Belt Material - Specify the material you want to use for this belt.

Belt Material Grade - Specify the grade for the belt (for example, heat resistant or food grade).

Belt Density - Specify the density for the belt.

Belt Designation - Specify the belt codelist value. Enter the prefix of the corresponding part number, for example, if the part number is ST1250_NN_600X6, enter ST1250.