You can map Smart 3D data to an existing SRD data by using the SRD Import functionality to import Smart 3D data to a defined staging area. Using configurations, user can either create or select an existing configuration to import Smart 3D data to SRD. The configuration is used to import Smart 3D data into a project and then map the imported data with the existing project of SRD data. As part of auto mapping enhancement, SRD 10.1 has implemented Artificial Intelligence based Recommendation configurations.
Recommendation Configuration
Recommendation configuration suggests the Commodity Codes or Codelists during the auto map procedure. Recommendation configuration must be trained until it reaches the required accuracy level so that the configuration can suggest accurate mappings. At any given time, user can have only one configuration for the given staging area and mapping type.
You can also import or export the mapped Commodity Codes or Codelists.
When the user starts training the configuration, the SRD application initially displays a filtered list of recommended Commodity Codes or Codelists in the staging area. Using the filtered list, the user must train the configuration by mapping the Commodity Codes or Codelists with table details based on the selected mapping type. If the user is training the configuration for the first time, the accuracy of the configuration starts at zero. Based on the number of mappings the user performs, the configuration is trained, and the accuracy increases. The user can stop training the configuration at any level of accuracy and resume it later.
When the user is training the configuration, a bulb icon available next to the Recommendation Configuration button blinks continuously indicating that the configuration is in Training mode. If the Configure Auto Mapping feature is not trained at all, the bulb will be OFF, indicating that the configuration is in Inactive mode.
After the user finishes training the configuration, the user must change the mode of configuration from Training to Production. Once the configuration is in Production mode, based on the mappings performed while training the configuration, the software suggests the Commodity Codes in production. The user can change the mode of configuration from Production to Training at any time to train the configuration again.
To re-train the configuration from scratch, the user can reset it. When the user resets the configuration, all the trainings that were done previously to train the configuration are discarded.
For more information, see AI Configuration.
SDB Commodity Code Mapping Recommendations for Smart 3D Spec Import
In the SDB 12.3 release, SDB delivers a trained Recommendation model to provide recommendation for commodity code mapping in Smart 3D import job.
The SDB 12.3 is delivered with Smart 3D specification equaling commodity codes in SDB. Recommendation Model is created with the mappings between S3D specification commodity codes and SDB commodity codes (based on sampling recommendations in the training mode). This trained Recommendation Model can be directly used to get the recommendation for commodity code mapping of S3D Ten specification.
Work process to generate Recommendation Model
Create import configuration and staging area to load the required Codelist sheets (PipingCommodityType, WasherType, BoltType, GasketType and NutType) and Ten specification and part class workbooks.
Update the required Recommendation configuration settings to enable running the Sampling.exe. This file is used to create a filtered list of sample mappings from the source data.
In training mode, mapping is done based on Sampling.exe recommendations. Additional mappings are done in production mode based on Recommendation model recommendations provided by the trained Recommendation model.
Export the Recommendation mapping file after mapping all the commodity codes in production mode to deliver as part of SDB.
Work process to reuse SDB delivered trained Recommendation Model
During the Smart 3D specification import process, go to Configure Auto Mapping function and directly import the Recommendation mapping file to get the recommendation for commodity code mapping. See the below line drawing for work process.
For more information, see Import section of Procedure for Recommendation Configuration.
The Trained Recommendation Model is delivered as part of SDB 12.3 and is found at: <SDB Installation Location>\SDB-SRD Recommendation mapping File for Smart3D Import\ RecommendationMappings_commoditycode_SDB\ RecommendationMappings_commoditycode_SDB12.3.xlsx.