Exporting work orders to GIS - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs


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HxGN EAM Version

One of the powerful features of the Roads and Highways extension, and more specifically, a linear referencing system is the ability to locate events (or characteristics) along linear assets. Examples of these events/characteristics are speed limit, grade, pavement thickness. These events as they are known in GIS can be linear in nature or they can exist at a single point along a linear asset.

Just as with any normal feature class the GIS can display these events on the map so a user can visually see where they are along linear assets.

If you think about it an EAM work order is an event that occurs along/on the linear asset. Therefore, if can get these work orders into the GIS then the GIS can display them geographically. This is possible using the tools available on the HxGN EAM Toolbar discussed elsewhere in this document.

Synchronizing (exporting) EAM work orders into a GIS event layer is a 4-step process:

  1. Create 2 event layers in the GIS (one linear based and one point based) to hold linear work orders from EAM.

  2. Create 2 UDGs (user defined grids) in EAM that define the work order fields and ‘where clause’ for the work orders for linear assets that will be exported. Define one UDG for point work orders (From Point and To Point are populated with the same value) and the other for linear work orders (From Point and To Point are populated with different values).

    • The GIS WO Attribute Mapping Grid checkbox must be selected on the UDG record view.

    • The EAM WO code field must be included in the UDGs and must be mapped into a GIS event attribute field (see Data Synchronization section below for more details).

  3. HxGN EAM Toolbar | Linear Referencing tab for HxGN EAM Configuration screen - Specify the LRS enabled map service URL in which the event layers exist. This should be the REST endpoint for the map service.

  4. HxGN EAM Toolbar | Map Feature Attributes screen – Once the LRS map service URL is populated on the Linear Referencing tab of the HxGN EAM Configuration screen then the administrator can use the Map Feature Attributes screen to map EAM work order fields (i.e., fields from the UDGs discussed above) into GIS event layer attributes. Select Type = Work Orders and the UDG from which to map the EAM fields. The HxGN EAM Grid field will display these grids for selection.

    • It is not necessary to add the GISOBJID column to event layers so they can be mapped to an EAM work order UDG.

    • When mapping EAM work order fields to events the ‘Owner’ must be ‘EAM.’

  5. HxGN EAM Toolbar > Data Synchronization tab for HxGN EAM Configuration screen - Once the LRS map service URL is populated on the Linear Referencing tab of the HxGN EAM Configuration screen there will be 2 additional checkboxes available here: Create WO events and Synchronize WO events. Create WO events must be selected to export EAM work orders into GIS. Synchronize WO events must be selected if the system should periodically try to keep the mapped GIS event attribute data in sync with the EAM UDG data.

    • Exporting EAM work orders into the GIS and synchronizing the data on a periodic basic can only be done using the auto-sync process (i.e., Synchronize Record and Synchronize Attributes screens cannot be used for this purpose).

    • This is a one-way process i.e., data flows from EAM to GIS. It does not flow from GIS to EAM.