Geocoding - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs


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HxGN EAM Version

Geocoding is required to manage address information. A geocode is simply the precise latitude and longitude coordinates of a specific address. For basic maps, typically a postal address or place name is linked to geographic coordinates from a spatial reference dataset. Reverse geocoding is very simply the same process in reverse, enriching geographic coordinates with a description of the location, typically a postal address or place name. Geocoding services are created on the GIS server and utilized by HxGN EAM when using the GIS Map Search or Call Center map to search for an address. Reverse geocoding is used when choosing to view the nearest address to a feature or point of interest on the map. HxGN EAM requires a minimum of one geocoded address locator service for the GISADDR and GISGEOSV install parameters. GISGEOSV supports multiple geocoding services if needed. When multiple services are specified, HxGN EAM will search each of the services’ address points, calculate a match score, and display a dialog showing the highest scoring matches. The user can then choose one or more of the matching results and have it displayed on the map.

See the HxGN EAM Configuration for GIS for more information on defining services also see ESRI documentation for more information on creating these services.